24 March 2009

why i HAVE TO watch Lost

1. it's so weird and unusual that i have to keep watching. it's kind of like the "$5 Foot Long" commercials from subway.

2. Hugo never loses weight. what gives Hugo?

3. if i don't watch it on wednesday nite, then there's a good chance i'll be eating lunch by myself on thursday.

4. Juliet's eyes suck me in each episode.

5. peer pressure*.

*i thought peer pressure was over once you completed the D.A.R.E. course at your elementary school. but unfortunately i'm still learning how to deal with it at the age of 27.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do I watch Lost? They had me at hello...And it is part of our Wednesday night camp activity. That is the real reason. And the DVR records it.