15 March 2009

great questions

you learn more about someone by asking them questions, right? and you can truly learn the depth of someone by asking them great questions, questions that make them think and reveal who they are and what makes them tick.

but to often, i settle for mediocrity, refusing to push through the slightest social anxiety that comes from involving myself with someone other than....me. and there are 3 reasons why:

1. arrogance - i don't need to know what you think
2. indifference - honestly, i don't care to know what you think
3. fear - i'm scared to know what you think, and scared of what me asking might reveal

good "askers" are the most humble, caring, and secure people on the planet.

so, who asks you good questions? who shows this level of involvement in your life? and are you (am i?) asking great questions to anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i ask awesome questions to you. for example, what is your favorite thing about me?