here's the scenario:
you're on the phone with a friend....a good friend even. the conversation is "wrapping up", almost to the point of saying goodbye. but then, unexpectedly (because it's 2009 for pete's sake), your call is "dropped".
do you:
a) wait a few seconds and call the friend back only to say, "well, that was strange.....see ya."?
b) wait on them to call back so they can say, "well, that was strange.....see ya."?
c) stop caring and get on with whatever you were doing before your friend rudely interrupted your life with a phone call instead of a text message?
i would choose option "c"....but i'm a jerk most days.
seriously. who doesn't have the courtesy to just text in the first place? i can't stand those people.
yeah. you're sometimes a jerk. but i probably wouldn't have answered the call.
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